Hilarious GPS Prank [Vid]
Funny! [CH | Via]
Funny! [CH | Via]
Michelle Phan‘s makeup tutorials have taken the web by storm! This time, she does something that I can’t believe I’e never thought about: “What if my boyfriend did my makeup? He’s seen me put it on dozens of times, but does he know what each item is for and how much to use it??” Phan […]
What’s eight feet tall, has a creepy nickname and can be smelled from miles away? It’s the rare titan arum plant, aka the corpse flower or Amorphophallus titanum, which just bloomed in the United States Botanic Gardens in Washington, DC. The plant has an unpredictable blooming cycle that lasts years, and the corpse-like odor it […]
Yes, you can actually buy this thing. From Etsy user CatastrophiCreations: Our Super Mario complex comes complete with portals that are lined with sisal, so (cats) they can climb in and out of their blocks. The blocks are all attached and have a tunnel that allows the kitties to climb in one portal and out […]
[Source: Lol Nein | Via Neatorama]
Warning: Video contains strong language. Got any suggestions on things you can do to become a “creepy office guy?” Let us know in the comments section below! [Source: Buzzfeed]
Android devices may soon offer users far more control over what access apps have to their data and hardware. The latest release has a hidden feature that removes the all-or-nothing approach to access. A key part of the Android security system is the “permissions” system which controls dozens of settings that say whether or not […]
From the official Star Wars Youtube channel, a great mini-documentary showcasing some of the most amazing Star Wars fan groups from around the world, including the 501st, the Rebel Legion, and many, many more. [Star Wars | Via Miss K & Mr J]
We’ve already written about RHex in the past, but if you watch the video, you’ll notice that the robot has a few new tricks up its sleeves now! RHex is an all-terrain walking robot that could one day climb over rubble in a rescue mission or cross the desert with environmental sensors strapped to its […]
Every week our master swordsmith and renowned propmaster, Tony Swatton, forges iconic weapons using high-speed belt grinders, scorching furnaces, and pounding power hammers. Then he takes his weapon to the streets to bust up some stuff. This week Tony is creating Hit Girl’s detachable sword. [AweMeChannel]