What Happens When you Don’t Exercise vs. Exercise [Comic]
No truer words were ever spoken…. [Source: >Brian @ Shoeboxblog]
No truer words were ever spoken…. [Source: >Brian @ Shoeboxblog]
Two South Korean buses can now effectively drive for ever thanks to wireless charging points built in to the road surface. The system is similar to that used for some trams, but works in a way that means other vehicles can use the same road. The buses themselves work in the same way as an […]
http://youtu.be/NY3T45Kn5sg HOLY CRAP THAT WAS AWESOME. The Wolverine and the Predator clash in the jungle to see who’s the best at what they do. Thanks Kearstin! :) [machinima]
I am a sucker for beautiful, intricate tattoos, especially if they’re nerdy. I also love Silent Hill, so I’m loving this! But man, I have two MUCH SMALLER back tattoos, so I can’t even imagine all the blood, sweat, and tears that went into this work of art! [via Fashionably Geek]
Now that was a really cool short movie. I just wish it was longer. It totally left me on my appetite! AMP was written and directed by Adam Marisett, an animator on District 9, Elysium, Iron Man and many other notable films. 10 years after leaving a war his father started, Quinn and Amp live […]
I wonder if Another Me is posting a similar comic right now… [Source: Too Many Ideas]
Veritasium, Ze Frank, Vsauce2, Wheezy Waiter, SixtySymbols, Periodic videos, Sorted Food and Head Squeeze, join the Earth Unplugged crew to give you 60 epic facts that show why the world is awesome, just for YouTube Geek Week. For instance, did you know it’s possible to make diamonds from peanut butter? Or that 99% of Earth’s […]
Hey, it’s not April Fools’ Day anymore, so this must be true! ;) YouTube unveils its most daring innovation yet: CarTube. YouTube for your car. Buckle up. [Barely Political]
http://youtu.be/rtz3F4rnO2k Can you geeks think of any other real life? X-men? Let us know about them in the comments section below! Shawn Ashmore a.k.a. Iceman presents 10 Real-Life X-Men, including a guy with a magnetic body and a man who can conduct electricity. [AllTime10s]
Life is so unfair to the X-Men! Why stay in the shadow when you can shine like the Avengers? In this secret marvel movie ending to X-Men: Days of Future Past, The X-Men have conquered the Sentinels and prepare to flee from authorities that hate and fear them…that is until Wolverine decides he’s had enough […]