I Invited Pavlov Over for Dinner Tonight! [Comic]
[Source: See Mike Draw]
[Source: See Mike Draw]
Om nom nom nom. There’s almost nothing as good for breakfast as a big bowl of French? Toast Crunch. Yes, it’s true, they’re still available in Canada and my kids love them. Oh, and about that homemade Eco-Cooler recipe? It’s available here. [Buzzfeed Videos]
Light is so common that we rarely think about what it really is. But just over two hundred years ago, a groundbreaking experiment answered the question that had occupied physicists for centuries. Is light made up of waves or particles? [1veritasium | Via UD]
Even thought the mashup doesn’t make much sense, I love the design! [Pac-Wars Tee: Available @ The Neatoshop]
[Model: Meagan Marie | Photographer: Andrew Ho]
We break down the science of strike-anywhere matches to see what makes sparks fly. [Wired]
By the the time you’ve read this, all 10 of these incredible things will have taken place… multiple times. [AllTime10s]
Geek Week is full of gems. Take this School House Rock parody, for example. It mines nostalgia for fun and profit by using our beloved SHR memories to warn us against the pitfalls of the modern gaming industry. It’s catchy, familiar, and only a little depressing for those of us who paid $600 for a […]
Do, where do you think they go? In the garbage bin? In file heaven? Watch the video to find out! [VSauce]
If you have kids, this could be a really fun weekend project to do with them! How to make a recorder / ocarina out of a carrot. This how to video tutorial gives you step by step instructions for making a vegetable musical instrument. I saw someone playing one on TV and thought I’d have […]