IF ONLY: ‘The Walking Dead’ with Lightsabers [Pic]
I already watch The Walking Dead religiously, but I would watch the hell out of this. (Governor vs. Rick lightsaber duel, anyone?) [via I Waste So Much Time]
I already watch The Walking Dead religiously, but I would watch the hell out of this. (Governor vs. Rick lightsaber duel, anyone?) [via I Waste So Much Time]
Simply entitled “Kneel,” this powerful portrait of Zod by Jason Edmiston is part of the “A Rogues Gallery” exhibit at the Austin, Texas Mondo Gallery. It opens August 23 and ends September 14! [via XombieDIRGE]
This cutting board by Mustard is available for pre-order here! Many thanks to El Logano for bringing this to my attention, especially since I now have a new kitchen! [via Dude, I Want That]
From Thinkgeek: No kitchen is complete without at least a couple spatulas, or as we sometimes call them, spatuhoozits. We’re flipping pancakes or tater tots or burgers pretty much on a weekly basis, so why not have a bit of fun with it? The Star Trek USS Enterprise Spatula looks like a (slightly extended) version […]
Ahhhh the Green Hill Zone level, one of the most famous level in all of the Sonic games, especially for people who used to game in the early 90s. I get a massive bout of nostalgia each time I hear the song from this level! [Smooth McGroove]
[Source: Coolness Graphed | Via TN]
The sad but true reality. Sigh. [Via Blastr]
From 80stees: Max Eisenhardt wanted to dominate the human race with the help of mutants. When he was eventually able to pull his magnetic field away from his refrigerator, he re-named himself Magneto and put on an outfit very similar to this X-Men hoodie. This costume hoodie may not give you electromagnetic powers, but with […]
Story of my life, at least in the early years when I was looking for a job. It was kind of depressing, really. I mean, employers are probably asking for experience to filter out people who abandon easily and do not really require it in many cases. It may be a deceptive practice, but a […]
[Source: Jim Sylvia at Unbreakable Tattoo | Via FG]