Xenomorph Discovered Guarding 13th Century Abbey [Pic]

Sure, there are plenty of fantastic creatures carved as gargoyles projecting from the walls of various religious monuments throughout the world, but this is the first time I’ve seen a Xenomorph guarding the walls of an Abbey. Paisley Abbey was originally founded in 1245, and rebuilt in the early 1300s, and the recent “discovery” of […]

The Walking Dead Season 4 Sneak Peek [Video]

http://youtu.be/48bQgTp-1Ew AMC just released its first clip giving us a brief look at a scene from The Walking Dead: Season 4, where Michonne is under attack by a bunch of zombies. While you’re waiting for Season 4 to come out, you can order Season 3, which is being released tomorrow on Amazon.com, right here. [The […]

“Social Butterfly Blue”: Facebook’s Very Own Nail Polish

If you’re way into social media and a well-manicured hand, then today is a pretty good day for you. Facebook’s famous blue is now an official branded lacquer color. Social Butterfly Blue is packaged in a Deco-inspired bottle, which is surprisingly logo-free and available for $4.95 at Facebook’s Menlo Park headquarters. I for one will not […]

Twitter Goes Steampunk Thanks to Twittertape

A British man has brought together two forms of communication technologies, making a tickertape machine that can print tweets. Tickertape machines were used in the late 19th century to transfer stock prices over telegraph lines, printing them out on paper tape at the destination. In effect they were simply Morse code machines that printed out […]