Star Drunk: A Short Sci-Fi Film Written and Acted by Drunk People

Star Drunk is a short sci-fi film that was written and acted by drunk people. Yep, written drunk. Acted drunk. Star Drunk is the sequel to the viral short film ‘Cleverbot: Do You Love Me.’ Star Drunk is an experiment in writing a short film while drunk; several writers from Portland got together one night […]

Official LEGO DeLorean Back to the Future Time Machine Building Set Now Available!

Back to the Future and LEGO fans rejoice! LEGO has finally released its official DeLorean Back to the Future Time Machine building set earlier this month, and it looks fantastic! The new set features opening doors, fold-up wheels, flux capacitor, time travel display, 2 license plates, Marty’s skateboard as well as extra engine and wheels. […]

“The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug” Animated in LEGO

This is awesome: Brotherhood Workshop‘s stop-motion animated version of the first teaser for Peter Jackson’s upcoming film, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. It took two months to make this, and the attention to detail is kind of amazing. Check it out: And for good measure, here it is against Peter Jackson’s trailer: The film […]

Way-Back Wednesday: What Dungeons & Dragons Looked Like in the 1980s

I’m old enough to remember this commercial, but too young to understand at the time what D&D was, exactly. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, both former Napoleonic wargamers, developed D&D in 1974. The game was based on one of Gygax’s earlier game developments, Chainmail, and incorporated rules and structure from the pair’s experience with wargaming. […]