10 Little Known Facts About Marvel [Video]
http://youtu.be/XYzXqrChQ6A We can’t tell you how Iron Man’s suit works, or how the Hulk’s pants stay in shape, but we can tell you 10 little-known facts about Marvel. [Alltime10s]
http://youtu.be/XYzXqrChQ6A We can’t tell you how Iron Man’s suit works, or how the Hulk’s pants stay in shape, but we can tell you 10 little-known facts about Marvel. [Alltime10s]
Another awesome cake by Chef JB Cada and Stephanie Santos featuring the TARDIS and various edible character cake toppers. Om nom nom nom. Red Velvet Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting and edible toppers. [The Regali Kitchen]
Keep warm while fighting crime with this reversible batman cowl beanie! Only $17.99 (Affiliate)! [Available at SuperHero Stuff – $17.99 (Affiliate)]
This adorable Amigurumi Iron Man was made by Jackie over at amidorablecrochet.com and features Tony Stark and his deadly suit. It even has a removable mask! [Amidorable Crochet | Via]
The Big Bang is a complicated concept, and its unfortunately-misleading name doesn’t help much. Thankfully, we have Minute Physics to help us understand it, and how the theory overlaps (and doesn’t) with Creationism.
If you love bacon to death and got clogged arteries thanks to the delicious meat, here’s a coffin you might consider getting buried in: The Bacon Coffin! Is there a better way to show your love of bacon forever than to be buried wrapped in it? We don’t think so. This genuine bacon casket is […]
Skype has confirmed rumors it has been working on 3D video conferencing. But the company says it could take many years’ work before it becomes viable. Speaking to the BBC, Skype chief (and Microsoft vice-president) Mark Gillett said the company had indeed been carrying out lab work to explore 3D calls, something he said was […]
Sure, Rockstar has released plenty of GTA V footage in the past, but none so far have been called “Official.” Grand Theft Auto V is coming September 17, 2013. Pre-order now on Amazon.com. [Pre-Order GTA V]
http://youtu.be/iNdBHmZAOr4 On August 15th, GE launched the world’s first #6SecondScience Fair, a week-long celebration of science on Vine. By the time the week ended, over 600 projects had been submitted. From frog dissection to dry ice explosions, here’s a compilation of some of our favorites. [GE | Via LS]
Star Drunk is a short sci-fi film that was written and acted by drunk people. Yep, written drunk. Acted drunk. Star Drunk is the sequel to the viral short film ‘Cleverbot: Do You Love Me.’ Star Drunk is an experiment in writing a short film while drunk; several writers from Portland got together one night […]