Super Cute Rule 63 Bilbo Baggins Cosplay [Picture]
Picture taken at castlefest 2013 by Chris Van de Weerd. Cosplayer: Aishafee [Source: Aishafee on DeviantArt]
Picture taken at castlefest 2013 by Chris Van de Weerd. Cosplayer: Aishafee [Source: Aishafee on DeviantArt]
Artist JB Casacop is drawing Star Wars: The Thrones Wars and this depiction of Khal Drogo is the first one in the series. I didn’t know how badly I was missing this in my life until now. [via io9]
Picture shot at Dragon Con 2013 by our friends over at Nerd Bastards. [Nerd Bastards]
At first, I was sorta thinking, “Why would you do this?!” And then I realized, “Why wouldn’t you do this?!” Thanks, Gabriel Dishaw! [via Obvious Winner]
Shops and restaurants in the US have joined a coalition against the abuse of patents. The group says patent trolls are now targeting businesses that aren’t even involved in the relevant technologies. The Stop Bad Patents campaign, run by a group called the Internet Association, gives the example of somebody claiming to have a patent […]
At the just-ended DragonCon 2013, Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab (BPAL) debuted The Dark Crystal set of Skeksi scents! More information will be available soon, but the below set features skekUng the Garthim-Master, skekNa the Slave-master, sketTek the Scientist, and skekZok the Ritual-Master! [via Fashionably Geek]
Deadpool’s gun is bigger than Thicke’s. [DPiddy]
…because sometimes, men want to feel pretty, too! [via imgur]
This fantastic Tank Girl outfit was made by Buenos Aires, Argentina-based cosplayer NuxieQuinn. You can check out some of Nuxie’s other awesome costumes over at her Facebook page or Deviantart profile. [NuxieQuinn: Deviant Art | Facebook]
A bullet is fired upward into the bottom of a block of wood, one time in the exact middle, the other time a little on the side. Obviously, this will launch the block in the air, but in which of the two scenarios will the block go higher? Check out the experiment above to find […]