And the Xbox One Release Date is…
The Xbox one will hit the market on Nov. 22, exactly eight years to the day after the Xbox 360. Here’s the official announcement: [Pre-Order the Xbox One on]
The Xbox one will hit the market on Nov. 22, exactly eight years to the day after the Xbox 360. Here’s the official announcement: [Pre-Order the Xbox One on]
Slight variation from the original armor Pepper wore in Iron Man 3, but still awesome. The burning and scratching detail is astounding. (Model: Tenshi no Sekai) (Photos by Andres H. and Erick Morales) [Source: Tenshi no Sekai (Facebook) | Tenshi no Sekai (Deviantart) | via FG]
Featuring HDMI, 2 USB ports, an ethernet port, and running on a Raspberry Pi board, John Badger created this “mini Mac”! It is 1/3 the size of the original Macintosh, but way more powerful! [Via]
Great video, great costumes, great song. If you’ve missed our picture gallery from Dragon Con 2013, be sure to check it out right here! [MLZStudio]
An under-construction skyscraper in London has unintentionally become a solar death ray that melted a car. The 37-storey building, officially named 20 Fenchurch Street, is nicknamed the Walkie Talkie or the Pint because of its planned shape, as shown above in an artist impression. As well as bulging at the sides, it has a concave […]
Yep, you read that right, featured in the picture above are Ron Weasel-y, Ermine-y Granger, and Mad-Eye Toady, all taxidermied animals that Jenny Lawson (The Blogess) collects as a hobby. However, she’s still looking for Draco Mouse-foy, Severus Snake, and Hairy Otter, so if you can help her find these guys, I’m sure she’ll appreciate. […]
At the Venice Film Festival on Sunday, Ghibli Studio president Koju Hoshino announced that legendary animator Hayao Miyazaki, 72, will retire “from feature-length films,” so his involvement on smaller projects cannot be entirely ruled out. Miyazaki’s 11th film, The Wind Rises (Kaze Tichinu) was released in Japan back in July and has been nominated at the […]
Warning: Apparently the audio on this one could appear to be nsfw, even though this is a virtual “skydiving” video. This guy is using a harness suspended to a tree and an Oculus Rift headset to re-create a skydiving session. Looks fun, doesn’t it? [Vaecon | Via LS]
Warning: NSFW because of Miley Cyrus, obviously. The original USS Enterprise crew reacts to Miley Cyrus’s recent MTV’s Video Music Awards performance. Ouch. [AriesHeadFilms]
These dragon hoodies from Calgary Cosplay look totally amazing, and they’re supposed to be unisex, but I think they look rather feminine. Unfortunately, at $399 each, they’re rather pricey. [Cute Dragon Hoodies – $399 | Via FG]