Dear Algebra [Pic]
[Via IFLS]
[Via IFLS]
Don’t forget to unmute the video! Now you know. [Via IHC]
How about “How to get a job” or “How to have healthy/successful relationships”?? [Via imgur]
These awesome adaptations of social media sites and browsers as anime-style characters come from the mind of american artist Jon-Lock. Too bad Facebook isn’t real, I’d love to have a date with her… then again, this might not be a very good idea after all… [Jon-Lock on Deviantart | Jon-Lock on Facebook]
From Youtuber jeonghoon95: This is my Mario Paint arrangement of Get Lucky by Daft Punk. Enjoy! Best part starts at 2:22! [Via Reddit | jeonghoon95]
I wonder if the “heated argument” was about weight loss? Have any of you out there ended an argument by doing something silly, either to yourselves or to your unsuspecting pet? [Source: J Fine Original]
Yikes! That thing looks even more creepy without its skin! [Stan Winston School | Via Gizmodo]
I moved from Atlanta, Georgia to Phoenix, Arizona less than a month ago, and one of the things I miss most of all is the musical stylings of Blair Crimmins and the Hookers. Blair is a musical genius, combining ragtime and Dixieland jazz with timeless lyrics. He plays any combination of ukulele, banjo, and piano during […]
The Legend of Cosplay has taken just simple resin to create these 4-inch, double-sided replicas of the Kokiri Emerald, Zora Sapphire, and Goron Ruby. Use them in cosplay! Heck, use them as small paperweights in your office! Or buy the mini ones and wear them as a necklace! [via Technabob]
These two 18 x 24-inch prints by DKNG Studios are $30 apiece or you can get both for $50! [DKNG Studios | via Gizmodo]