STOP BEING PERFECT: Cumberbatch Officiates Gay Wedding
Benedict Cumberbatch became ordained recently, and in Ibiza, Spain, he officiated the wedding of his two male friends! [Via BuzzFeed | Facebook]
Benedict Cumberbatch became ordained recently, and in Ibiza, Spain, he officiated the wedding of his two male friends! [Via BuzzFeed | Facebook]
Since now is back-to-school time, I thought this was appropriate. The north remembers… [OnlyLeigh]
Chance McClain, the creator of Horrible Turn, the Dr. Horrible fan prequel, is behind this Star Wars/Les Miz mash-up! [scifiriot / Source: YouTube]
I just finished watching season 1 of breaking bad today, and I thought this comic was totally appropriate. Gonna start season 2 tonight! Can’t wait! [Source: Brian @ Shoeboxblog]
GTA! More fun than reading ‘Fifty Shades of Grey!’ [Buy GTA V on | AVByte | Via]
Warning: Strong Language. The first part of an awesome short sci-fi film by K-Michel Parandi where regular people have to pay for a “protection” insurance… and if they’re not covered and are victim of a crime, no one will come to help. Squads of privatized police officers from various corporations, walking the streets of New […]
My little brony toys, for ages 8… and up. [Source: CH]
Watch as a student from the University of Rochester acts as the freshman chemistry professor on the first day of class and tells first-year students that cell phones and laptops will not be tolerated in class and that 55% of them will likely fail the course. After a few minutes, the real professor, Dr. Benjamin […]
It’s something of an established principle in many countries that legal internet traffic should be treated equally. But does net neutrality trump the US constitution? A court may soon have to give the answer. The Federal Communications Commission has regularly argued that it has a legal responsibility to regulate the Internet to keep it open, […]
Some fantastic pictures of cosplayer/entertainer Emeraude de Lioncourt (Facebook) costumed as a very seductive Lady Loki by Montreal-based photographer ONE Photography. Costume and Model: Emeraude de Lioncourt Photographer: ONE Photography