Epic “The Dark Knight Legacy” Fan Film Needs Your Help! [Video]

Machinima has hopes of creating a web series entitled The Dark Knight Legacy and they need your help! Set one year after The Dark Knight Rises, Chloe Dykstra (Just Cos, Heroes of Cosplay) plays police officer Stephanie Brown and by the looks of this pilot, her character is pivotal. Oh…and did I mention it’s about Red […]

Handmade Batman Scalemaille Suit of Armor [Picture]

Anyone got an extra 10 grand lying around? This armored Batsuit was originally made for fan-made web series called “Legends: The Dark Knight,” and according to the description: “This scalemaille armor is handmade and takes approximately 350 hours to complete. The suit contains nearly 27,000 stainless steel rings, 3,000 small anodized aluminum scales, 4,500 anodized aluminum large scales […]

Triple Trouble for Google Street View Driver

A Google Street View driver in Indonesia has somehow managed three crashes in a single day. And no, that’s not a joke about the Chrome browser. The driver, an Indonesian citizen, was driving the car (similar to that illustrated above), complete with prominent Google logo and pole-mounted camera, in Bogor, a region on the edge […]