What If You Stopped Sleeping? [Science Video]
Is your lack of sleep slowly killing you? And if you were to stop sleeping right now, how long could you survive? Find out in this interesting video by the guys over at ASAP Science! [ASAPScience]
Is your lack of sleep slowly killing you? And if you were to stop sleeping right now, how long could you survive? Find out in this interesting video by the guys over at ASAP Science! [ASAPScience]
[Comic by The Daily Dalek]
Yes, I know what you guys are thinking right now: WTF did I just watch? Right? Streetstar Vogue Femme Final Battle Lasseindra (FRA) WINNER against Inxi (FIN) at the Streetstar festival february 2013 in Stockholm, Sweden. [Streetstar | Via The Mary Sue]
Instructable user miketherdaintx transformed a regular Power Wheels toy car into a speeder bike from Star Wars. If you want to build one of your own, instruction are available right here. I just see one problem with it though, I don’t think it’ll support my weight. Sigh. Now someone needs to do this with a […]
“The Scarecrow” is a short animated film that was created to go along with Chipotle’s new app-based game of the same name while encouraging sustainable food production. [Chipotle | Via TA]
It will be even harder to pry yourself away from these cookies as it is your favorite game! Cutout sugar cookies in the shape of your favorite game controllers! Includes each cookie bagged and tied with ribbon. Perfect for a party favor, special gift or for a desert spread. [Get them at the peapodscookies store […]
Buzzfeed titled this video 9 Body Hacks That Will Save Your Life, but I think this is kind kind of an overstatement, “improve your life” would certainly be more appropriate. [Buzzfeed]
These videos, featuring some of the best cosplay from Anime Expo 2013, were released a few weeks ago by Youtuber MLZStudio, but I just stumbled on them today, so if you haven’t seen them yet either, enjoy! [MLZStudio]
http://youtu.be/IqArHwtvE9Y Some taste good, others save lives but all 10 of these inventions came about by accident. [All Time 10s]
http://youtu.be/9ThkJRXs_VY In this episode of Glove and Boots, Mario and Fafa review stuff that has been seen on TV. Check it out! [Glove and Boots]