BarrelFlex: Get Fit the “Breaking Bad” Way [Video]
It’s the workout sensation that’s sweeping the meth-ravaged wastelands of the Southwest! [Team Coco]
It’s the workout sensation that’s sweeping the meth-ravaged wastelands of the Southwest! [Team Coco]
US researchers believe it’s possible to put all smells into 10 rough categories. But it remains difficult to objectively measure or even describe a smell. While we can do a relatively decent job of measuring light and color, or of measuring pitch and volume, scents are a trickier proposition. Although taste falls into five main […]
Over in the UK, Spotlight, a British casting and auction service, recently issued this casting announcement: “male, 7 ft to 7.3 ft tall with a slim/thin build and upright posture. Not too worked out or too ‘thick set’ especially in the shoulders. Broad facial features would be a bonus” for an “Untitled Studio Feature…[in] early […]
OMG THIS IS SO CUTE. This is the video my friend Scott Painter and I made of my proposal to my lovely fiance. Andrea is a very big Harry Potter fan and we had even talked about possibly having a Harry Potter wedding one day, but always thought it out of the cards. Even though […]
Billy Dakiduk is a motion graphics professional, and he’s also a Doctor Who fan. He took it upon himself to create an opening sequence for the 13th Doctor using Cinema 4D and After Effects. The guy is really, really good! Your move, BBC! [billydakiduk / Source: YouTube]
The chap behind the Shitty Watercolour series is at it again, this time taking 101 pop culture TV and film characters and transforming them into sloths! [via The Mary Sue]
While bored in deep space (and nobody to play with), Darth Vader’s respirator malfunctions, his voice now resembling the shrill and prepubescent Anakin Skywalker. On the eve of the Rebel Alliance’s epic assault upon the Empire, Vader desperately searches for a friend. [m. deicke / Via Geekologie]
Magnets: What are they and how do they work? Find out in this new video by Minute Physics! More on magnets: How Special Relativity Makes Magnets Work: [Minute Physics]
This is Liara from the video game “Mass Effect”: …and THIS is a pretty girl cosplaying her AMAZINGLY accurately! [Soylent Cosplay | via Dorkly]
The Food and Drug Administration has given the green light to most forms of medical-related mobile apps. It says it will normally only regulate those apps which replace or complement some standalone medical devices. The FDA’s announcement aims to clarify the legal position of medical apps. Depending on how you interpreted the law, it was […]