Perky Disney Skipper Guides You Through the Most Interesting Wall Ever [Video]

You have not lived until you’ve taken a tour from Skipper Ashley! The Disney Jungle Cruise at Disney World may be closed for maintenance, but that didn’t stop one tourist from wanting a tour of it anyway! Skipper Ashley doesn’t hesitate to oblige and dives right into one joke-filled, pun-filled tour of the most interesting […]

Doctor Who Weeping Angel Mask

Don’t blink! From Superhero Stuff: I wouldn’t suggest blinking or else you’ll miss the 11 inch vacuform(plastic-y) Doctor Who Weeping Angel Mask (Affiliate)! Oh, that was bad. Hey, sometimes you see Weeping Angels and you just want go with the ‘don’t blink’ reference. However, if you are making that reference you are probably turning to […]