Play Lovecraft-Inspired “Catachresis” Game From Your Browser for Free!

It is recommended you use Chrome to play game developer Cameron Kunzelman‘s Catachresis, a Lovecraft-inspired “linear story-game-non-game thing that combines the verbose, too-big-and-awful-to-actually-contain monsters of H.P. Lovecraft with the mysterious bureaucratic mess of Cabin in the Woods,” according to Kotaku. You can view the trailer below and play the game here! [via Kotaku]

Man Walks With a Robotic Leg Controlled by His Brain [Video]

This 32-year-old man is apparently the first person with a missing lower limb to control a robotic leg with his mind. Deus? Ex: Human Revolution. Chapter 1 – Prologue. A team led by biomedical engineer Levi Hargrove at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago in Illinois reported the breakthrough last week in the New England Journal […]