Military Wants to Make Iron Man Suit a Reality

American soldiers could have the ability to walk through a barrage of bullets with a new suit commissioned by the military. The outfit would take the protection offered to Iron Man (minus the flying ability) and add in computer technology. Although example models of the Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit (TALOS) are getting a demonstration […]

The Science of Superheroes: Why Thor Makes more Sense Than Superman Scientifically [Video] Kind of makes sense when you think about it… plus, if it comes from Stan Lee and Marvel , it must be true! ;) Speaking or Mr. Lee, that man is already 90 years old! Can you believe it? If I get to that age, I wish I’ll still look as good and as […]

A Tour of Volpin Props’ Geektastic Workshop [Video]

While at Dragon*Con in Atlanta a few weeks ago, the team from Tested stopped by the Volpin Props HQ to get a tour of the amazing workshop of one of the Internet’s most renowned prop maker, Harrison Krix. If you’re an aspiring prop maker or a DIYer, you should definitely check this video out! [Tested […]