The Joys of Mathematics and Your Baby’s Developmental Stages [Pic]
[Source: Fake Science]
[Source: Fake Science]
Is this the 21st Century equivalent to “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” [Source: imgur] In this episode of the groundbreaking web-series Why With Nye, legendary educator Bill Nye will explore Jupiter’s mysterious core. Watch as Nye shows you how NASA’s Juno spacecraft will use a combination of cutting edge technology and the good old Doppler effect to take a peek deep inside Jupiter. [THNKR | Via DVice]
Not only will you look like wolverine while wearing this knitted mask, but it will also keep you warm during the upcoming winter. [$16.95 @ The Neatoshop]
The Dude approves. [Nerdist / Source: YouTube]
Meow. It’s Caturday. [Eclectic Method | Via TA]
A new song and music video from Lindsey Stirling, which is part of Lindsey’s new Album which will be released on October 29th. Pre-order it here on [LindseyStomp | Pre-Order Lindsey Stirling’s Album Here]
Will Smith’s latest flick After Earth is so bad – we honestly had trouble finishing this one. [Screen Junkies]
American soldiers could have the ability to walk through a barrage of bullets with a new suit commissioned by the military. The outfit would take the protection offered to Iron Man (minus the flying ability) and add in computer technology. Although example models of the Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit (TALOS) are getting a demonstration […]
This stop-motion Lego Ninjago fight by Youtuber Counter656 was made in 7 days using around 1500 pictures. [Counter656]