GRASSROOTS GEEKS: How Two Podcasting Dads Fan-Funded Their Own Horror Convention [Interview]

Have you ever wondered what goes into a organizing a convention, let alone starting a brand new one, all on your own? Eric Nordhoff and James Frazier, two dads from Nashville, Tennessee, bonded over “Lost” and decided to launch a podcast based on another: “The Walking Dead.” After a feeble start, their “Walker Stalkers” podcast […]

Tom Hiddleston is Dancing God at Korean Press Event [Video]

First, I brought you Hiddleston-as-Loki-as-Owen-Wilson. Now, I bring you DANCING HIDDLESTON. According to the YouTube description by uploader CEO1213, this glorious, squee-inducing moment in time occurred thusly: Q: Where is the most confident part on your body? (Fans: Everything!!) Tom: My feet. Because without my feet, I couldn’t dance. Q: It means you’re going to […]

YOU SHALL NOT PASS! – Improv Everywhere Recreates Famous LOTR Scene [Video]

For our latest mission we recreated the famous “You shall not pass!” scene from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, placing Gandalf the Grey on Central Park’s iconic Bow Bridge. Rather than facing off against a Balrog as he did on the Bridge of Khazad-dûm, this time Gandalf faced an even […]