Nostalgia Overload: Video Stores Explained to Modern Kids
WARNING: Depending on your age, this will probably make you ache for your childhood. [BuzzfeedYellow]
WARNING: Depending on your age, this will probably make you ache for your childhood. [BuzzfeedYellow]
What would your favorite scary movie look like if Batman was the main character? [PistolShrimps]
From Redditor Bob223: My friend’s dad is a dentist. This is his pumpkin for Halloween. [Source: Reddit | Via Neatorama]
My precious indeed… I’ve already started doing this. Yeah, I know, shame on me. [Source: Fowl Language | Like Fowl Language on Facebook]
A Dutch designer has come up with an idea for a totally modular smartphone that clicks together like a Lego set. Whether it’s physically or financially viable remains to be seen, but nearly a million people have agreed to publicize it tomorrow. Dave Hakkens’s idea, Phonebloks, came about after he had to throw out an […]
Miss Cakehead from Eat Your Heart Out writes: “Feed The Beast, the world’s most extreme cake shop is open. Guests coming along will be able to see, and feast on the ‘flesh’ of, this showstopper cake by The Tattooed Bakers – a Devil Horse cake dripping in rum, literally. The beast has Kraken Rum pouring […]
Old tools and pieces of scrap metal populate the sea in this fantastic stop motion animation by PES. Edit: I just realized there’s something slightly wrong with the headline, but it’s staying that way. Hmmmm Steakpunk. Thanks to Formic for noticing it! [PESFilm | Via LS]
[Source: Jim Benton | Reddit | DA]
For the first time ever this year, Geeks are Sexy was at MCM London Comic Con this weekend to take pictures for you guys! Many thanks to my friend Nick Acott from Sneaky Zebra for taking a little time from his busy schedule! If you’re in the UK and need a great photographer for a […]
The talented and beautiful Eve Beauregard cosplays as Powergirl in this series of pictures by the always amazing Adam Jay. Model: Eve Beauregard Photography: SuperHero Photography by Adam Jay [Eve Beauregard | SuperHero Photography by Adam Jay]