You Won’t Believe What Sir Ian McKellen’s Underwear Says!

Only Make Believe is an organization that brings professional actors to sick kids in hospitals and together, they create and perform special plays over a six-week period. Sir Ian McKellen hosted Only Make Believe’s 14th Annual Gala last week, honoring Susan Sarandon and Dr. Alex Karp, and at one point — for whatever reason (as […]

Handmade ‘Drift Compatible’ Bracelet Duo

Grab a set from Great Big Bag O Trinkets for your bestie or your sweetie! (Available in colors, too!) Bracelets featuring the phrase “drift compatible”. Perfect for friends, siblings, lovers or anyone who could pilot a Jaeger together! There are also Kaiju Groupie bracelets and various Sam and Dean Winchester handstamped bracelets, too! [Source: Etsy] […]

Nothing Says “Wedding Cake” Like Horror Movies and Halloween! [Pics]

One young couple recently got married in Austin, Texas at the Alamo Drafthouse Ritz. The groom loves horror movies and since their wedding was during Halloween season and their venue was a movie theater, the theme for the wedding cake just seemed obvious. But holy crap. Would YOU eat a piece of it?? [via The […]

THE NEWEST MEME: Cats Wearing Tights [Pics]

So…this is a new thing. On October 22nd, 2013, Swedish balloon artist and blogger Katja Wulff launched the single topic blog ‘Meowfit of the Day‘ to share photographs of her 16-year-old Siamese cat Gucci dressed in stuffed leggings. According to Wulff’s interview with The Metro, the idea came about randomly as Wulff and her boyfriend Dan […]