Crying Baby Calmed by ‘Star Wars’ Theme Song [Video]
The Force is strong with this one. [Gezi Park?ย /ย Source: YouTube]
The Force is strong with this one. [Gezi Park?ย /ย Source: YouTube]
That’s right, geeks: A 32,000-piece puzzle. Ouch. If you’re really up for a challenge and have got plenty of room, then this could be the puzzle for you! The 32,000 pieces build into a retrospective of artwork by American artist Keith Haring (1958-1990). Each of the 32 different images shows one of Haring’s quirky illustrations, […]
…or a lot of spice! (Also great for a prank!) Available at The Oatmeal Store and created by the guys behind Baconnaise and BaconSalt! [via The Oatmeal]
Holy. Crap. Don’t try this at home, or in fact, anywhere, ever. [MrOldFrost | Via TA]
Fresh or Frozen – which is more nutritious? Most are under the assumption that fresh is better, but that may not always be the case! Find out why: [ASAPScience]
Allow me to explain: Litographs prints entire novels (or almost…) on the fronts and backs of t-shirts. Did you hear me? AN ENTIRE BOOK About 75,000 words from a book IS FEATURED ON EACH T-SHIRT DESIGN. (They also feature the same designs on posters, prints, and tote bags.) [via BuzzFeed]
Arizona-based artist Spencer Brinkerhoff is known for creating some of the art for the recent Star Wars Celebrations, but he also dabbles in other pop culture art, especially using an animation-like style, as he loves cartoons. [Source: Studios B3]
This trailer is rather short, but apparently, there’ll be another one coming out later today, so I’ll make sure to include it in this post the moment the BBC releases it online. GERONIMO!!!! EDIT: And here’s the Extended trailer! [Pre-Order Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special [Blu-ray 3D / Blu-ray / DVD Combo] | BBC | […]
The tiny atoms that make up our world are made up of even tinier protons, neutrons and electrons. Though the number of protons determines an atom’s identity, it’s the electrons — specifically, their exact location outside the nucleus — that particularly perplex scientists. George Zaidan and Charles Morton show how to make an educated guess […]
Most of you reading this are probably familiar with Texts From Last Night, the site that anonymously features “regrettable text messages” sent by real people. Turns out, many of them could have been sent by any one of the Avengers, and Texts From The Avengers does just that! [via BuzzFeed]