Is Netflix really killing BitTorrent?

“Netflix is killing illicit filesharing” is the way a new study has been spun in some quarters. But closer inspection doesn’t entirely bear that out. The study is the latest in a regular series by Sandvine. It’s combined data from a a range of internet providers. The figure that’s getting the most attention is Netflix […]

This Insane Domino Chain Reaction was Created Using 20,000 Dominoes [Video]

Millionendollarboy and I spent over 3 months creating this awesome domino trick screenlink! There are between 20,000-25,000 dominoes total. Note: This style of domino video is called a “screenlink.” Each clip is separate then edited together to make it look like one long setup. The first half are my clips (built in USA) then at […]

Will 1 of These 4 Women Play Wonder Woman in ‘Batman vs. Superman’??

Speculation and gossip abounds regarding Zack Snyder’s Batman vs. Superman and the latest surrounds a *possible* Wonder Woman cameo. Three names have been circulating quite a bit, but again, nothing has been finalized or confirmed. There is also the chance the description of “tall, brunette, athletic and exotic” could be describing a potential love interest for […]