D.I.Y. COSPLAY: ‘Dune’ Sandworm

…or even a Sarlacc one! …or throw some stripes and eyeballs on and you’ve got aย Beetlejuiceย cosplay! How To Do It (from Instructables user canida’s directions): “The clever costume design begins with a $13 kid’s-play tunnel. After that, you need 6 yards of sandworm-tan fabric, mouth-pink fabric, posterboard, wire, and a large cardboard box. You will […]

The Night of the Doctor: A Mini Episode [Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor Prequel]

The Bringer of Darkness, the Oncoming Storm, the Doctor, the Warrior – A Time Lord! The 50th Anniversary features Matt Smith, David Tennant and a mysterious incarnation played by John Hurt. Only one appears in the mini episode, The Night of the Doctor. But which? 23.11.13 #SaveTheDay. Thanks Joshua! [BBC]

‘The Princess Bride’ Next in Line for Stage Adaptation by Disney!

Disney announced on Monday that William Goldman’s 1973 novel “The Princess Bride” – which was made into a movie in 1987 – is the “next in line for development by [its] stage arm,” according to CNN. The development stage for anything is not only long, but often tenuous, but the deal was brought about by […]

Disney Princesses Celebrate “No Shave November”! [Gallery]

Well, since this is the month of Movember, artist Adam Ellis thought “Why shouldn’t the Disney princesses not lend their support, too?” Yeah, why not? Check out the picture gallery below! I especially like the bearded mermaid above! (Also, as creepy as these may be, the facial hair doesn’t look fake! It’s kind of incredible.) […]