Watch NASA’s MAVEN Mission Launch LIVE Right here!

Watch as NASA launches its new MAVEN spacecraft into space live right here! Estimated launch time: 1:28 pm EST. Current time (as I’m writing this): 12:47 EST. The Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission (MAVEN), set to launch in 2013, will explore the planet’s upper atmosphere, ionosphere and interactions with the sun and solar wind. […]

‘Cosplay’ Definition T-Shirt Gets Pulled by Hot Topic After Complaints

BACKSTORY: This “Cosplay Definition” shirt used to be available at Hot Topic, until… Amy Ratcliffe of Geek with Curves spoke out against it (along with hundreds of other people,) saying: “There is no “right” way to cosplay. If you can’t sew and instead make a cardboard version of a costume, that’s fine. If you apply […]