‘JUST COS’ AT NYCC 2013: G.I. Joe Marriage Proposal! [Video]

Laura (“Scarlett Jablonski”)ย and Kevin fell in love over a year ago over their love of cosplay, comics, and ’80s cartoons. They are both frequent con-goers, but Kevin wanted to make this past New York Comic-Con extra-special for Laura, so he planned an elaborate “scene” that even involved Laura’s dad! After members of Cobra surround Scarlett […]

The Social Media Experiment: Invading Strangers’ Privacy With the Help of Social Media [Video]

From Jack Vale: Using the power of Social Media, I FREAKED PEOPLE OUT by making them think I knew personal information about them! So there you go folks, if don’t want total strangers to know details about your private life, just stop making that information available for everyone to see on social media sites. [jackvalefilms]

Illustrator Tackles His Childhood Abuse with Brave, Inspirational Comic

Comic book artist and illustrator Dean Trippe is a victim of childhood sexual abuse. In his “Something Terrible” web comic, he addresses the fear, depression, alienation, and hopelessness he felt for decades and the way a certain comic book character inspired him not only to keep drawing, but to fight and become strong — literally […]