This is the Adirondack Chairs You’ve Been Looking For [Pic]
[Source: Xtinct 3D Design | Via Homes and Hues]
[Source: Xtinct 3D Design | Via Homes and Hues]
From the guys over at Big Lazy Robot VFX: Yes, our happiness is based on things we don’t need and governed by entities we don’t control, so what? Sit down and turn on the tv! The robots were taken from real Japanese robot model kits, and they now hold a privileged position in our freak […]
All 13 Doctors are forced into a battle royale by The Master in this R rated trailer spoof. WHO WILL WIN? Made as tribute for the release of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (Nov 22) and the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who w/ the release of Day of The Doctor (Nov 23). Featuring the screen […]
Watch as Professor X fires the cutest and most useless (according to him!) of the X-Men. [Pete Holmes | Via]
The owner of an LG Smart TV says he’s got evidence that the TV is sending details about his viewing habits and the names of some video files he watched on the TV back to LG, against his instructions. The British blogger Dr Beet (who the BBC names as IT consultant Jason Huntley) says he […]
-Directed By: Brent “CobaltGemini” Kennedy -Assistant Director: August “Rantis” Loolam -Sound Design, Secondary Animation, Lighting and Editing: Harry “Harry101UK” Callaghan -Original Score: Hasan “HasanGuitar” Abdullah -Additional Animation: Keaton ‘Winslow Magne” Brockway -Particle Effects: Martin “ChaoFanatic” Ellis Thanks Nick! [Harry101UK]
The proof that George RR Martin is absolutely ruthless. [Source: Waterstones Dorking on Twitter | Via Buzzfeed]
You stick cookie dough into an oven, and magically, you get a plate of warm, gooey cookies. Except it’s not magic; it’s science. Stephanie Warren explains via basic chemistry principles how the dough spreads out, at what temperature we can kill salmonella, and why that intoxicating smell wafting from your oven indicates that the cookies […]
This fantastic-looking Dark Chocolate Cake with Light Caramel Frosting by Chef JB Cada and Stephanie Santos from Quezon City, Philippines-based bakery The Regali Kitchen mashes up two all-time geek favorites: Doctor Who and Minecraft. Om nom nom nom. [The Regali Kitchen] This is brilliant. From GoldieBlox: We’re GoldieBlox, a toy company out to show the world that girls deserve more choices than dolls and princesses. We believe that femininity is strong and girls will build the future — literally. Our founder, Debbie Sterling, is a Stanford engineer who decided last year that girls need more […]