Hunger Games-Inspired Chocolate Bars

That’s right geeks, the chocolate artists over at Vosges Haut Chocolat inspired themselves from the Hunger Games and the series’ districts to create a line of chocolate products, including various bars and truffle collections. I’m a big chocolate fan and would LOVE to have a taste of some of these bars! The flavors really do […]

A Game of Thrones Dragon’s Egg Cookie Jar

From Thinkgeek: Because to anyone worthy of your attentions this is obviously a container modeled after Rhaegal’s egg from Game of Thrones. Perfect for storing pre-hatched dragons (capacity: 1) or whatever strikes your fancy. Maybe exotic cookies from the Eastern Market in Vaes Dothrak? The cookies stored in this container are beyond compare, Khaleesi. It […]

Geektastic Batman and Superman Christmas Sweater

You know you want one! Come on, admit it! So, the weather outside is frightful and Santa Claus can’t deliver his presents. Who’s going to save the day? Superman and Batman, of course! This DC Comics Faux Christmas Sweater features the Man of Steel and the Caped Crusader looking festive, anticipating a jolly holiday. This […]

20 Strange Discoveries on Google Earth/Maps [Videos] 20 strange discoveries you can find on Google Earth. Unfortunately, the coordinates are not available for part II (above), but they are for part I (below!) Coordinates: Missile Test 38.226617, -112.29907 Firefox Crop Circle 45.123736, -123.113748 Ocean Liner 22.303976, 114.189888 The Badlands Guardian 50.010525, -110.114143 Airplane Graveyard 32.15387, -110.830121 Unexplained Fighter Jet In […]