Fantastic Pinup Captain America Cosplay by Jaycee Cosplay

A fantastic “pinupified” version of Captain America by cosplayer Jaycee Cosplay. Jess has a lot of other fantastic costumes over at her Facebook page, so I invite you all to check her out and “Like” her right here. Photography by Ohheyitssk (above) and Greg Geiger (below.) [Model: Jaycee Cosplay | Photography: Ohheyitssk | Via WOCCC]

Amazon Prime Air: Unmanned Aerial Drone Delivers Package to Your Door in Approximately 30 Minutes Nope, this isn’t an April’s fools joke. It’s just like getting a present from a sponsor in The Hunger Games! We’re excited to share Prime Air – something the team has been working on in our next generation R&D lab. The goal of this new delivery system is to get packages into customers’ hands […]

Ghostbusters Venkman Jacket

From The 60% cotton 40% polyester (with 100% polyester inside lining) Ghostbusters Venkman Costume Jacket will help you test people with psychic powers while stressing them out with jolts, talking about your girlfriend(who happens to sleep above the sheets), and answering extra-planar creatures about your rather questionable status as a deity. That being said, […]