Do You Guys Want to See a Dessert Menu? [Flowchart]
I mean…if YOU’RE going to get something, I will too, but if you don’t want to, then I’m fine. [Source: College Humor]
I mean…if YOU’RE going to get something, I will too, but if you don’t want to, then I’m fine. [Source: College Humor]
Santa is to get a US military escort on his big night this year. But (don’t tell the kids) it’s not entirely real. There’s no point getting out your telescope as the escort in question will only be visible on a streaming video operated by the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). NORAD (and its […]
Part promotional stunt, part…art? Will Ferrell literally co-anchored — not just appeared for a segment or an interview — KXMB-TV in Bismarck, North Dakota last Saturday night. The entire 30-minute news broadcast is below, but it’s easy to scroll through and find Burgundy’s bits. (That sounds weird.) [via E! Online]
Holy crap… and I thought things like that only happened during Black Friday in the U.S. [MajinDub]
Another thought-provoking Dorkly comicby Julia Lepetit and Andrew Bridgman. [Source: Dorkly]
British actor Idris Alba is probably pretty happy to be playing such bad-asses, like Heimdall in the Thor franchise and Pentecost in Pacific Rim, but at one point, he was approached to play another bad-ass: Luke Cage. “There was talk about Luke Cage at one time – I thought Luke Cage was a pretty interesting […]
Two thousand drugged-up dead mice have been parachuted onto Guam near a US Air Force base. It’s not a bizarre training exercise, but rather an attempt to tackle an overpopulation of snakes. The brown Treesnake is a long-standing problem on Guam. It’s not a native species and the most common theory is that it snuck […]
Make it so, make it so, make it so! [jamescovenant | Via LS]
Wow. Just wow. I especially liked the part where the professor was able to have one marble orbit the other while the first was orbiting the weight located in the center of the sheet of spandex. [apbiolghs | Via] Buy yours at! [Morphsuits | Via TMS]