SCOTCHY SCOTCH SCOTCH: Great Odin’s Raven Scotch Soon to be a Reality!

Ron Burgundy-approved “Great Odin’s Raven Special Reserve” is slated to hit shelves soon, although the exact date, price, and availability have yet to be announced. “The 40% ABV Scotch is a blend of Scotch whiskies from Speyside, Highlands, and Islay and features a hearty fruit flavor,” reports Uproxx. Which reminds me: Sex Panther, anyone?

The World Outside My Window: A Breathtaking Time-Lapse of Earth From the ISS

Full Screen! HD! Lights off! Volume up! This montage of time-lapse photography from the International Space Station is collected from many (photos) taken in Expeditions 29, 30 and 31. The previous sequence, ‘All Alone In The Night’ (embedded below), highlighted night sequences and spectacular aurora light shows and intended to give a feeling of flying […]

New, Large, Predatory Dinosaur Found in Utah!

Paleontologists have recently discovered a new dinosaur in Utah and they say it rivaled the Tyrannosaurus rex and Acrocanthosaurus, according to Sci-News. The prehistoric giant is named Siats meekerorum. The genus name, Siats, refers to a cannibalistic monster from the mythology of the Ute Native American people. Its specific name acknowledges the Meeker family for their support […]

Artist Creates “Lucid Stead,” a Real-Life Mirage in the Desert [Pics + Video]

Artist Phillip K. Smith III created a real-life mirage in the middle of Joshua Tree National Park in California. Smith created “Lucid Stead” by installing alternating mirrored slats on the facade of an abandoned 70-year-old homesteader cabin. By day, it is naturally lit by the rising and setting sun, with the mirrored slats making the […]