The Life of a Minion Totally Sucks [Video]
The job of a minion isn’t really a pleasant one, as demonstrated by this video from our pals over at The Warp Zone. [The Warp Zone]
The job of a minion isn’t really a pleasant one, as demonstrated by this video from our pals over at The Warp Zone. [The Warp Zone]
[Source: My Extra Life]
Some cheap and easy ways to have fun with LED throwies. If you want to make your own LED throwies, here’s a simple “how-to” from instructable user Q-Branch. [Hard Science]
a rather unique wreath for the holidays featuring the original Khan. The only thing missing from the wreath? Kirk’s face right in the middle yelling “KHAN!” when you press on it. Yep. [Source: Annie Shapiro on Twitter | Via]
Reddit user akasha446 recently posted a picture of these absolutely stunning hand painted stilettos she received for her wedding. Naturally the bride wore the Harry Potter/Hogwarts version for the big day, and the bridesmaids got to wear those representing the series’ four houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Picture Credit: Admire Studios Imgur album featuring […]
Filters blood. Guardian organ. Read all about it on Wikipedia. A Parody of “The Fox” by Ylvis. This video was created for the 107th Annual Second Year Show by the Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Dental Medicine (HMS/HSDM) class of 2016. [Ben Rome]
Magnificent, isn’t it? My favorite one? The picture on the bottom left. Herp Derp. You can even use this as a wallpaper for your desktop! [Via Buzzfeed]
Yep, this is pretty much the exact same thing that happens each time I play a fighting game. [Freddiew]
This amazing 200,000 brick LEGO re-creation of Tolkien’s Rivendell was built by LOTR and LEGO enthusiasts Alice Finch and David Frank. The whole thing took most of a year to build along with plenty of research time. If you want to have a look at more pictures of the built, be sure to head over […]
Some funny progress-bar humor this for you this morning by graphic designer Viktor Hertz. Viktor has a few other ones over at his profile, so be sure to check ’em out! [Source: Viktor Hertz | Via]