Author Harlan Ellison on “Saving Mr. Banks” [Video]

I’m still seeing it with my mom on Christmas (Thompson! Hanksy!), but Mr. Ellison is irate over the new, sure-to-be-Oscar-worthyย Saving Mr. Banks. I, for one, wasn’t expecting Saving Mr. Banks to be “factually accurate” — it’s a Hollywood movie, produced by Disney, about “Uncle Walt.” His rant is 10 minutes long, but Mr. Ellison is […]

Dolph Lundgren Ends Zombie Apocalypse with Robot Army [Video]

Warning: Strong Language. What do you do with zombies? You F* them up! The only thing missing from this movie? Ninjas. Following a deadly viral outbreak, private military soldier Max Gatling leads a handful of survivors and a ragtag band of robots against an army of the infected. [Film Festivals and Indie Films | Via […]

Fantastic Zatanna Cosplay by Zsu Zsu Starr [Gallery]

Some fantastic pictures of Cosplayer Zsu Zsu Starr as Zatanna. Photography by Veronica Sparrow. From Zsu Zsu Starr: “I have always been fascinated with magic ever since I was little…when I got into comics and found Zatanna I immediately fell in love with her and her story…she is so much fun to cosplay as…it even […]