Marvel Characters as Animals [Pics]

Yep, the Disney-fication begins. And if I’m perfectly honest, it’s actually kinda hilariously adorable to see our favorite Marvel superheroes depicted as cute furry animals. In celebration of the All-New Marvel NOW! Launch, a whole series of alternate covers are being released. And they feature our beloved Marvel characters as animals. I’ll spare you the […]

WELL, WHO KNEW? Grumpy Cat Hates Christmas in New Music Video

It’s not quite “Caturday” yet, but this music video by Purina Friskies will start your weekend off right. Grumpy Cat appears in “Hard to be a Cat at Christmas,” along with four other internet cats: Nala Cat, Oskar the Blind Cat, Hamilton the Hipster Cat and Colonel Meow, a Guinness World Record holder for Longest […]