NEVER BEFORE SEEN: The ‘Blade Runner’ Holiday Special! [Video]
Move over,ย Star Wars! [Nerdist / Source: YouTube]
Move over,ย Star Wars! [Nerdist / Source: YouTube]
Yikes! Neo Geo / 3DO = OUCH. [Via Reddit | Dorkly]
Jennifer Van Damsel as Doctor Strange and Nadya Sonika as Gambit. Photo by DTJAAAAM. [Via FG]
Warning: Strong Language. Take a trip down 2013’s viral video lane thanks to the folks over at World Wide Interweb. [Via IHC] From gold bricks to rubber tyres to Star Wars, here are 10 things you should know about Lego. [AllTime10s]
Even though that iPhone 5 Batmobile Tumbler protective case doesn’t look like the most practical thing in the world, its coolness factor more than makes up for it! Unfortunately, the case won’t be available until January 7th 2014, but for those of you who are interested, you can pre-order it right now! (Japanese, not sure […]
Now you know! [Today I Found Out | Via Neatorama]
The SFFworthy Tumblr blog takes screenshots from various movies and TV shows and gives them humorous Upworthy-style headlines. Here are some of my favorites. [Source: SFFworthy | Via LS]
Tip the pen forward and back and watch the Speeder Bike (slowly) rush towards the trees. But instead of flying into them, it flies behind them. Truly a skill not taught in the Empire Speeder Bike Training Academy (which we’re pretty sure is just a correspondence course completed by sending 10 Galactic Credits to the […]
LEGO Batman interrogates The Joker and then… [Brian Anderson | Via NA]