Girls that Play Video Games [Comic]
[Source: Explosm]
[Source: Explosm]
A little earlier today I stumbled on the Facebook page of Shermie, a talented Brazilian cosplayer who’s been cosplaying for a while it seems. Initially, I was only going to post pictures of herself in her new Domino outfit, but after browsing her profile, there was just too many good photos in there, so I […]
Well, now I guess we know what this good boy got for Christmas. …but now, it looks like he might make it onto the Naughty List. Dear PS4, Last night was dope. — Nathan Fillion (@NathanFillion) December 21, 2013 [via Nerd Approved]
Sure, we see photos of real-life adaptations of animated characters online all the time, but rarely do these pictures truly capture the essence of the these characters. Ealier this week I stumbled on Ryan Astamendi‘s absolutely stunning series of photos featuring models dressed as Disney princesses, and even though they’ve been out for more than […]
Continuing our look back at later developments to stories we brought you on Geeks Are Sexy this year, we turn our attention to June. The court hearing finally began in the battle between the US government and Apple over its role in the e-book market. Specifically the government claimed that Apple and book publishers unfairly […]
Move over, Star Wars! [Nerdist / Source: YouTube]
Yikes! Neo Geo / 3DO = OUCH. [Via Reddit | Dorkly]
Jennifer Van Damsel as Doctor Strange and Nadya Sonika as Gambit. Photo by DTJAAAAM. [Via FG]
Warning: Strong Language. Take a trip down 2013’s viral video lane thanks to the folks over at World Wide Interweb. [Via IHC] From gold bricks to rubber tyres to Star Wars, here are 10 things you should know about Lego. [AllTime10s]