Disney Princesses in College [Pics]
College Humor tried to imagine what Disney princesses would be like in college and, with the help of artist Paul Westover, have illustrated the life of each. [Source: College Humor | Artist: Paul Westover | Via]
College Humor tried to imagine what Disney princesses would be like in college and, with the help of artist Paul Westover, have illustrated the life of each. [Source: College Humor | Artist: Paul Westover | Via]
Warning: Absolutely NO spoilers for Sherlock S3… but Spoilers for EVERYTHING ELSE! Sherlock is back, and ready to ruin all your favorite TV shows! [Only Leigh]
Once again, The Human Tim is bringing some nice childhood memories back with his fun rock adaptation of the Gummi Bear theme song. [The Human Tim]
From Youtuber Chrisgsauce: Woke up to a balmy -41C this morning in South Porcupine, ON. Thought I’d share what happens when you mix boiling water and a water gun and take it outside for a few shots. This is similar to the experiment I did last year around the same date: [chrisgsauce]
Below are links to the images found in this video so you can print them out and try it yourself. You’ll have to print the template onto a transparency. If you have an ink jet printer you have to use a special transparency made specifically for ink jet printers. When you print the images and […]
Users of the /r/gifsound subreddit take regular animated GIFs and put appropriate sounds and music on top of them. Here is a compilation of some of the best and most popular submissions from this subreddit from the past year. [xerograde | Via Neatorama]
Youtuber GoodBadFlicks analyzes how movie posters have evolved over time… and how insipid and boring they have now become. Do you agree with this guy? Disagree? Why? Let us know in the comments section below! [GoodBadFlicks | Via TA]
Redditor MariettaLittlelamb recently stated using a life-size cardboard version of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson to make all sorts of funny puns with the poor man. She then took pictures of her experiment for the world to see! Here are some of our favorites: You can check our imgur.com for plenty of other pics! [Via Neatorama]
[Source: Modis | Via GeekXgirls]
Star Wars themed snowboarding at Mountain High. Directed by Mike Benson. Starring Casey Wrightsman, Geoff Isringhausen, Cory Whetstone, Nick Sibayan, and Eric Miranda. [Mike Benson | Via] —————