Tony Stark Jams with Sting, Fangirls — and Fanboys — Everywhere Lose It [Video]

As anyone who watched Ally McBeal back in the ’90s can verify, Robert Downey, Jr. can sang. (And yes, I watched every episode of the show and loved it, shut up.) Well, RDJ Tony Stark joined Sting onstage at a recent concert and the two made sweet, sweet musical love together. [via YouTube]

Animatronic “Devil Baby” Terrorizes New York City [Video]

Warning: If a diabolical-looking baby running after and screaming at people in its stroller is something that would freak you out, please don’t watch this. Warning 2: There’s also a movie trailer for a horror flick at the end, so if you don’t like those, be sure to stop at 1:39. (I personally HATE horror […]

Should We Eat Bugs? A Cultural Look At Eating Insects [Video]

What’s tasty, abundant and high in protein? Bugs! Although less common outside the tropics, entomophagy, the practice of eating bugs, was once extremely widespread throughout cultures. You may feel icky about munching on insects, but they feed about 2 billion people each day (Mmm, fried tarantulas). They also hold promise for food security and the […]

Clandestine [Web Series Trailer – The Thousand Pounds Action Company]

The trailer for the first two episodes of Clandestine, the web series from the Thounsand Pounds Action Company that was successfully crowdfunded back in july 2012. I’ve been waiting after this one for a long, long time! Enter the world of Clandestine. Hidden within the recesses of modern society, lives four ancient supernatural clans who […]