Google Glass Driver Beats Traffic Tickets

A woman given a traffic citation after wearing Google Glass while driving has been cleared of wrongdoing. However, it’s not necessarily a precedent that such behavior is legal. Cecilia A. was pulled over in California last October on suspicion of speeding. The officer concerned then issued a separate ticket for violating California code 27602, which […]

Homer Simpson Potato Head: The 25th Anniversary Edition [Pic]

2014 is the year where The Simpsons celebrates its 25th anniversary, and in honor of the occasion, there is now a Potato Head version of Homer Simpson for sale. For those interested, you can purchase it right now from Entertainment Earth. It’s Homer “Starch”son! Celebrate 25th years of laughter and hijinks of The Simpsons with […]

The Original Spock Wants to Be Your Honorary Grandfather

Yes Mr. Spock Nimoy, you can. I don’t have any grandfather left, so I’ll gladly accept you as my honorary grandfather. Thank you so much! I have tears of joy streaming down my face right now. I am honored to have so many honorary grandchildren. Blessings on all. LLAP — Leonard Nimoy (@TheRealNimoy) January 15, […]

This 8-Bit Harmonica is Made From an Old Famicon Cartridge [Video]

Youtuber Basami Sentaku used an old Famicon cartridge to build a harmonica that plays 8-bit sounds! The things generates sounds via a NES sound chip. It also features a mode where the harmonica generates the coin sound effect from Super Mario Bros when blown into. Check it out! [Basami Sentaku | Via]