WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN: ‘Bioshock’ the Movie [Picture Gallery]

Not to be The Bearer of Bad News, but…did you know that Hollywood was once developing a Bioshock movie back in 2008? Ken Levine (the video game series’ writer) was directing, but after Universal cut the budget by 60 percent, Levine left and all production was halted. Artist Jim Martin (Posted with permission) created these concept […]

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: 1966 “Batman” Series to Get Home Entertainment Release!

The official DC Comics website announced last week that the 1966 cult classic Batman series starring Adam West and Burt Ward will finally have a DVD release later this year! The exact date has yet to be released, but with Batman turning 75(!!) this year, my guesses are either this summer or over Thanksgiving, in time for the holidays. […]

Facebook Mocks Predictions of its Doom

Two Princeton researchers have forecast that Facebook will lose 80 percent of its users by 2017. Facebook has responded by poking fun at the methodology and making its own forecast that Princeton will disappear by 2021, with the human population lasting only four decades beyond that. John Cannarella and Joshua A Spechler make their forecast […]