Disney Character’s Myer Briggs Personality Type
Which one are you? :) If you’re reading this from the front page, I’ve included the full picture after the “read more” link below.
Which one are you? :) If you’re reading this from the front page, I’ve included the full picture after the “read more” link below.
OMG! True, true, true, all true!!! This was my life from June 1998 to June 2011, and I kind of miss it… a little. I especially miss my friends, who I still see on occasions, but not that often. Everyone has a life and a family outside office hours after all. Working for yourself at […]
Although one third of the population suffers from motion sickness, scientists aren’t exactly sure what causes it. Like the common cold, it’s a seemingly simple problem that’s still without a cure. And if you think it’s bad on a long family car ride, imagine being a motion sick astronaut! Rose Eveleth explains what’s happening in […]
Now you know the effect Lava has on coke cans. [lavapix | Via LS]
From Wayne Unten: “In 1903, Olivia Wright was the first to pilot the great grasshoppers of North America.” While taking my kids to the playground, I shot live-action footage of a grasshopper, using my iPhone. This is one of many short animated clips I’ve made for fun. I might continue this particular clip as an […]
A new legacy is about to begin. From DC Entertainment, Warner Bros. Animation and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment comes an all new animated movie based on the graphic novel Batman: Batman and Son by Grant Morrison and Andy Kubert, and featuring the voice talent of Jason O’Mara, Stuart Allan, Morena Baccarin, Giancarlo Esposito, David McCallum, […]
Now, thanks to this awesome seat belt cover, you can turn into Chewbacca every time you drive! From The Common Room: Attaching with velcro, this strap not only adds style but comfort! It can also be used on a messenger bag, guitar strap, back pack, or anything else you can think of with a strap! […]
Tumblr user and self-dubbed “lazy” illustration student “Let There Be Doodles!” has created a series of illustrations depicting various Disney princesses as princes. You can check ’em all out in the picture gallery below! [Source: Let There Be Doodles]
So this happened a few days ago on Twitter in case you missed it. Not surprising since both franchise are Disney property now. [Source Star Wars on Twitter | Marvel on Twitter]
http://youtu.be/NQkgmHEA5_E I’m not exactly sure how Attack on Titan and Subaru cars are related, but hey, if the Japanese Manufacturer deems that including the series’ titans in an ad can help sell more car, good for them! [subaruforesterlive | Via GT]