Celebrating a Decade of World of Warcraft [Infographic]

Even though the total number of players dropped a bit in the past few years, the sheer number of people who still play the biggest MMORPG of all time is still enormous. And if we take into account everyone who played since day 1, that number goes up to 100 MILLION PLAYERS. Yep, 100,000,000: that’s […]

NASA-Funded 3D Food Printer Creates Edible Pizza [Video]

In 2013, NASA funded the Systems and Material Research Corporation, located in Austin, TX, and its Engineer Anjan Contractor, to create a 3D food printer. In this video, Contractor shows us the printer in action, layering dough, sauce, and cheese one on top of the other. Here’s a picture of the finished “product,” which was […]

4 Simple Chemistry Life Hacks That Will Make Your Life Better!

1: Make your coffee less bitter (because you’re brewing it with water that’s way too hot) by adding a tiny pinch of salt to it. 2: Help your green bananas ripen faster by putting them inside a brown paper bag along with some ripe tomatoes. The tomatoes will emanate ethylene gaz, which will remain trapped […]