MUST WATCH: A Volcanic Eruption as Seen from Space [Video]

From NASAGoddard: See one of the most eye-popping shots of a volcanic eruption ever captured from space. On June 12, 2009, a fortuitous orbit of the International Space Station (ISS) made it possible for an astronaut on board to capture Sarychev Volcano in the early stages of eruption. The volcano is located on the northwestern […]

This TARDIS/Dalek Dress Hybrid Looks Beyond Amazing [Pics]

Atlanta, Georgia-based cosplayer BewitchedRaven crafted this absolutely stunning TARDIS/Dalek dress hybrid, which features lights in both the headband and the skirt. If you like what BewitchedRaven is doing, be sure to like her on Facebook! Oh, and don’t forget to check out her photographer’s page as well: CONography (Convention & Specialty Photography). Edit: I stumbled […]

Man Creates Functional Returning Batarang Boomerang [Video]

Boomerang artist Victor Poulin creates boomerangs of all shapes and sizes, and in this video, he showcases his new fully functional returning batarang boomerang. Check it out! Victor also sells his boomerangs online, including a smaller version of the one featured in this video. The small batarang is not available on his website yet, but […]

Frank Herbert “Reviews” a Beer in ‘Great Author’ Series

The website Something Awful has a series entitled, well, “The Great Authors Series,” where famous authors “write” reviews for random and/or inane products. One of the most recent installment features Dune author Frank Herbert reviewing Firestone Walker Union Jack beer. There came a hazy pour, like the refraction pattern of a Torbit Shield, dropping into a Helfmann’s […]

Carl Sagan’s Visionary Series Continues – COSMOS: A SPACETIME ODYSSEY [Trailer] I’m really, really excited about this reboot of Cosmos starring Neil deGrasse Tyson. The new series will feature 13 episodes and start airing on March 9th, 2014. COSMOS: A SPACETIME ODYSSEY, the thrilling new 13-part series from EP/writer Ann Druyan and EP Seth MacFarlane, premieres Sunday, March 9 at 9/8c on FOX. [Fox | […]