“Game of Thrones” Actor Jack Gleeson Gives Friendly, In-Depth Q&A [Video]

University College Dublin is known for having Q&A’s with famous actors (generally, Irish, Welsh, or English). Last October, King Joffrey Baratheon himself — actor Jack Gleeson — participated in a friendly, good-natured, no-holds-barred 30-minute panel. Some kind soul also included each question and the corresponding timecode for his interview: 01 – What was the audition […]

Windows XP Resists Death Sentence

The proportion of people using Windows XP actually rose in January. It may be little more than a statistical quirk, but the underlying story is what happens when Microsoft pulls the plug on support in barely two months. The figures come from NetMarketShare and are based on computers used to visit sites hosted by its […]

GoldieBlox Toy Company Airs ‘Girl Power’ Ad During Super Bowl [Video]

GoldieBlox is a toy company out to show the world that girls deserve more choices than dolls and princesses. “We believe that femininity is strong and girls will build the future — literally.” The company was started by Debbie Sterling, a Stanford-educated engineer who believed girls need more option than just an aisle or two of […]