The Creepy and Cool World of Shironuri Fashion [Picture Gallery + Video]

The term “shironuri” literally means “painted in white” and this eclectic Japanese street-fashion style is cropping up in Western subcultures. The defining feature of shironuri is the stark white face that women paint on themselves using traditional Geisha makeup. The fashion ranges from gothic lolita to mori girl (forest inspired) to outlandish garb you would […]

How “Star Wars: The Phantom Menace” Should Have Ended [Video]

… And millions of voices cried out in relief! Maybe if the queen focused more on making her case to the senate instead of focusing on changing in and out of elaborate costumes so much… After all she wasn’t elected to watch her people suffer and die right? Thanks for watching. The prequels have been […]

Super Creepy Makeup Transformations by Stephanie Fernandez [Pics]

We occasionally feature makeup artists on Geeks are Sexy, but I can’t recall seeing anything as creepy as these fantastic horror-inspired transformations by Stephanie Fernandez. Hello everyone! My name is Stephanie Fernandez. I am 18-years-old and I am a self-taught, freelance makeup artist located in Shreveport, Louisiana. I have been doing makeup for four years […]