Tatooine Started Life Far, Far Away, Just Like Kepler-34(AB)b

Luke Skywalker bemoaned his lack of travel before the events of A New Hope. But researchers analyzing data from the Kepler space telescope say his home planet Tatooine would have been on an epic journey of its own before Skywalker’s birth. That’s because Tatooine is a circumbinary planet, meaning it orbits a double-star system. Such […]

Highly Disturbing 1966 Batman Valentine You Can Print And Give [Pics]

[GAS] friend and cartoonist Mark Anderson from Andertoons just sent me these disturbing 1966 valentine-themed Batman pictures you can print and give to anyone you want to totally creep out on Valentine’s day. If you’re reading this from the front page, I’ve included the rest of the pictures after the “read more” link below since […]