Prescription Coffee Mug and Drink Kooler
Fake prescription drinkware that looks like pill bottles from the local pharmacy! All are available for purchase from –Prescription Coffee Mug
Fake prescription drinkware that looks like pill bottles from the local pharmacy! All are available for purchase from –Prescription Coffee Mug
A medley of songs from the tactical RPG “The Banner Saga” by the always amazing Malukah and Taylor Davis. Enjoy! [malufenix]
From POGO: ‘I Want…’ is a track I started making in 2009. Here, I’ve remade the whole track from scratch to create a better sounding mix, and of course a video to go with it! I use Adobe Audition to record the sounds I use as instruments, FL Studio or Ableton to compose depending on […]
Luke Skywalker bemoaned his lack of travel before the events of A New Hope. But researchers analyzing data from the Kepler space telescope say his home planet Tatooine would have been on an epic journey of its own before Skywalker’s birth. That’s because Tatooine is a circumbinary planet, meaning it orbits a double-star system. Such […]
Every other Monday, master swordsmith Tony Swatton forges your favorite weapons from video games, movies, and television. This week, he tackles the Halo Energy Sword. [Awe Me]
A new awesome metal cover by the Youtube king of geek metal, 331ERock! Enjoy! [331ERock]
This unconventional door system by Klemens Torggler relies on an interlocking squares mechanism to open and close itself. Pretty cool, right? [Klemens Torggler | Via BoingBoing]
These stunning pictures of Andraia63 cosplaying as a Norn from Guild Wars 2 were taken at a massive Ice castle located in Breckenridge, Colorado by WeNeals Photography and Retouching and Michael Clancey. [Source: Andraia63 on Deviantart | Photo: WeNeals Photography and Retouching]
Check out these incredible flying robotic machines by Festo (above and below,) a company we often featured on GAS for their incredible robots! Slow-Mo films by the people from Earth Unplugged. [Earth Unplugged | Via LS]
[GAS] friend and cartoonist Mark Anderson from Andertoons just sent me these disturbing 1966 valentine-themed Batman pictures you can print and give to anyone you want to totally creep out on Valentine’s day. If you’re reading this from the front page, I’ve included the rest of the pictures after the “read more” link below since […]