Dark Souls 2 Is EVEN HARDER [Video]
For those of you who haven’t tried Dark Souls 1, you probably won’t understand the humor in this video, but if you did, it’ll make you laugh. [Source: Dorkly]
For those of you who haven’t tried Dark Souls 1, you probably won’t understand the humor in this video, but if you did, it’ll make you laugh. [Source: Dorkly]
Reddit user tibtibs spent 9 months, totalling over 500 hours of work, creating this beautiful Legend of Zelda cross stitch map. If you’re interested in creating something similar, the pattern to create this masterpiece is available for free right here. [Source: Tibtibs on Reddit | Via Neatorama]
In case you didn’t know, there’s a Tumblr simply called “Let’s Draw Sherlock” and it’s fans of the BBC show transforming famous works art into Sherlock works of art and it’s wonderful. [via BuzzFeed]
This is from the same dude who destroyed The Big Bang Theory a few weeks ago. From the folks at Wired: They’ve resurrected RoboCop and we can’t figure out why. Actor Joel Kinnaman has a big helmet to fill, and considering all of the outrageous changes that have been made to the reboot, Angry Nerd […]
I’ve already gotten a higher score on this than I ever got on Flappy Bird. Plus, his crying “Ernieeeee!” whenever he falls somehow amuses me. You can play it for free online here!
Courtesy of 3 Chic Geeks!
This infographic by Visual.ly compares how movies from trilogies ranked from the first to the third according to the meta score of users and critics. The line in green represents the users, and the one in yellow, the critics. [Source: Visual.ly]
While you unwrap that luscious truffle, let Hank explain the science of chocolate — where it comes from, what its active ingredient is, and how it works. Also learn the difference between chocolate, cocoa, cacao and coca, so you really know what you’re talking about the next time you pass the candy disk. [SciShow]
[Source: Niko is Cartoons]
When you really think about it, kissing is an odd human behavior. You know, all the rubbing of our faces all over each other. So there must be a good reason why we do it, right? From motherly comforts to testing the genetic compatibility of your “mate” . . . the science of kissing is […]