Geektastic KATSUCON 2014 Cosplay Music Video [Part I and II]
As usual, the guys from Beat Down Boogies deliver the goods with this FANTASTIC cosplay music video featuring some of the best costumes from Katsucon 2014. [Beat Down Boogie]
As usual, the guys from Beat Down Boogies deliver the goods with this FANTASTIC cosplay music video featuring some of the best costumes from Katsucon 2014. [Beat Down Boogie]
This beautiful Cthulhu lamp by Canadian artist Karl Dupere-Richer was built from various car body parts, 14 legs from PVC patio chairs, an umbrella base, a flower pot, 2 bicycle tires, 30 cans, some PVC pipes, an acrylic globe light, a chair back, and a few pieces of a garden hose. I, for one, welcome […]
Sigh. Working from home certainly has its disadvantages, and this is one of them. The kids (I have 3) get home early from school, and then all productivity goes out of the window. I really need a soundproof home office… with a lock. [Source: Lunar Baboon | Via Neatorama]
If you look through your glasses, binoculars or a window, you see the world on the other side. How is it that something so solid can be so invisible? Mark Miodownik melts the scientific secret behind amorphous solids. [TED Ed | Via LS]
Another amazing comic by Nebezial! [Source: Nebezial on]
A fantastic version of Those Who Fight Further, the battle music theme from Final Fantasy 7, performed on 16 floppy drives. Enjoy! [MrSolidSnake745]
Netflix says its service during peak hours is getting noticeably slower. It’s putting the blame on cable ISPs, but it seems more a case of what those companies aren’t doing than what they are. The precise details of the slowdown seem to vary depending on which account you read, but the biggest problem seems to […] It was only a matter of time before someone mashed up Guardians of the Galaxy with Parks and Recreation. [Via AwesomenessX]
From Paul Michael Design: Show your allegiance to him or her with this Horde Engagement ring that even Thrall would be proud to sport. Crafted in your choice of metal with natural or created stones. [PaulMichaelDesign]
From Etsy user MadBoyWithBox: This is an entirely hand-made bag shaped like a 1960’s British police box. It is made of a royal blue vinyl fabric and lined with a silvery-grey fabric. It’s larger than my other bags to allow for more capacity, measuring 7 inches by 11 inches in size. It has two clip-on […]