NASA’s Real-Life Version of Gravity [Picture Gallery]

NASA recently went through their considerable gallery of creative commons-licensed photos to recreate various scenes from gravity, which picked up a slew of Oscars yesterday. Check the gallery out, these pictures are totally fantastic! [Source: ‘Gravity’ – NASA’s Real-Life Images from Space | Via Buzzfeed]

Star Trek: Axanar’s Kickstarter hits goal in 14 hours

Star Trek: Axanar’s Kickstarter launched Saturday to raise funds for the planned short film, Prelude to Axanar. They had set the goal at a conservative $10,000. Given that it was a 30-day fundraiser, they expected that they would likely meet their needed numbers during the month. Little did they know that it would be reached […]

The 2014 Geekie Awards are Back

The 2nd Annual Geekie Awards began accepting submissions for consideration for the 2014 season on their website yesterday. Last year’s awards arrived with a splash and quickly became the hot event on the geek culture annual calendar. Categories for this year include those from last year, as well as several new ones: Art & Crafts, Comics […]

RARE PERFORMANCE: Carrie Fisher SINGS with Mom Debbie Reynolds! [VIDEO]

And she’s GOOD!!! Backstory: While I have yet to take up knitting, based on my movie, music, and fashion choices, I’m basically an 80-year-old trapped in an almost-29-year-old woman’s body. As a result, I went to see the legen…(wait for it)…dary Debbie Reynolds (Singin’ in the Rain, The Unsinkable Molly Brown) on Saturday, March 1, […]