If History Was as Confusing as ‘Game of Thrones’ [Parody Video]

Cracked has hit the nail on the head with this profanity-free(!) parody of allllllll the families and alllll the changing alliances on HBO’s Game of Thrones…not to mention who is from where and WHERE exactly that is. Sure…history may be somewhat easy for us, with books and maps and the internet and you know, the […]

Peter Capaldi Reassures Autistic Fan That He Will Be a Good ‘Doctor’ To Her [VIDEO, PIC]

From what I can tell, most fans are excited about Peter Capaldi picking up the Doctor Who mantle from Matt Smith– or they’re at least giving him a “wait-and-see” attitude. But one little girl wasn’t so sure. According to her aunt, the little girl (who was dressed as a Dalek!) has been diagnosed with autism […]

BBC America to Air ‘The History of Science Fiction’ in April!

I was going to summarize what the show was going to about (the history of sci-fi! Duh!), but when I read the show’s description and saw alllllllllll the actors involved — it’s even narrated by Mark Gatiss (Doctor Who, Sherlock) — I thought I would give the complete show description. The trailer is also below. According […]

Microsoft & Google Put Kibosh On Dual-System Devices

Plans by ASUS to launch mobile devices running both Windows and Android have been put on hold after objections from Microsoft and Google. It will also mean the end for two existing PC models that use both systems. ASUS first showed off the Transformer Book Duet TD300 in January at the Consumer Electronics Show. It […]